Review or Update a Tip Button Link


fiscally hosted by the Greater St Cloud Public Safety Foundation, a 501(C)(3) NON-PROFIT


101 11th Avenue N

St. Cloud, MN 56303

Tip Line: 1-800-255-1301



The Tri-County Crime Stoppers has paid out tens of thousands of dollars in rewards.

Crime Stoppers is based on the principal that "Someone other than the criminal has information that can solve a crime" and was created to combat the three major problems faced by law enforcement in generating that information:

  • Fear of REPRISAL
  • An attitude of APATHY
  • Reluctance to get INVOLVED

Crime Stoppers resolves these problems by:

  • Offering ANONYMITY to people who provide information about crimes
  • Paying REWARDS when the information supplied leads to arrest




The Tri-County Crime Stoppers has three levels of cash reward available to individuals who submit tips on crime. 


"Quick $50" Rewards 

Typically when Crime Stoppers gets involved in a case it is because law enforcement needs help finding the person(s) responsible for committing a particular crime however, we felt that it is just as important to help locate people who have already been identified but have yet to be recovered by law enforcement. We do this through our "Quick $50" program.

The "Quick 50" program offers $50 cash reward for information that leads to the arrest of an individual who has an outstanding warrant(s). Any one person may receive multiple “Quick $50” payments.


Standard Rewards

Rewards of up to $1,000. These rewards are being offered for information on the arrest and formal charging of a person who has committed a crime within the tri-county area. 


Enhanced Rewards 

Rewards of up to $5,000. These rewards are reserved for unsolved murders or other crimes as determined on a case-by-case basis. The Tri-County Crime Stoppers is currently offering an enhanced reward for information on any of the eight (8) unsolved murders in the tri-county area. Click here for more information on these cases.



P3 App Logo 145x148.jpg        How to Report Crime Information

The Tri-County Crime Stoppers offers three (3) methods for individuals to anonymously submit tips, each is outlined in detail below.

1. Individuals can submit a tip by filling out the secure online tip form.

This form contains areas such as suspect information, victim information, vehicle information, an area to type in notes, and even the ability to upload photos. Simply fill out the form, agree to the terms and conditions and click submit.  

2. Individuals can submit a tip by utilizing P3's mobile tip app for Android or iPhone.

This method works just like the above online form but in a mobile version. 

3. If internet access or mobile apps are not available to you, you can call our tip line at 800-255-1301


When an individual submits a tip to Crime Stoppers they are given a unique code number, the crime information is then forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency. The tipster's information must lead to arrest and formal charging.  


We do not accept tips through our e-mail or any form on this website. You must use one of the above methods in order to protect your anonymity.



How to Collect Your Reward 

After arrest and formal charging, law enforcement refers the case back to the Crime Stoppers committee with a request for a reward payment. The Crime Stoppers committee applies case information to a the reward formula. 

The tipster must contact us using the assigned code to learn whether a reward has been authorized. The tipster then designates the method of cash payment. It could be a bank drop, clergy payment, etc. Because of the cash involved, we do not use the US Mail.


If you submitted your tip using the online form, you can follow up on your existing tip by clicking on the Review/Update Tip button on the top or bottom of this page. 

If you called in your tip, you may call our tip-line back to check on the status of the case.  




Tri-County Crime Stoppers will do everything in our power to protect your anonymity. We caution you to please not provide your name or any other information such as, "My boyfriend," "My next door neighbor," etc. that would lead someone to finding out your identity.


  • Our payment of a reward is not limited to just cases highlighted on this website or reported in the media.
  • The principle behind Crime Stoppers is to provide crime-solving assistance to law enforcement. Because of this core principle, Crime Stoppers only works cases that have been vetted by law enforcement. 
  • The actual amount of the reward paid is based on several factors including but not limited to seriousness of the crime, value of property damaged/taken, and the number of crimes that can be solved by the persons arrest. This evaluation is consistently applied through the use of a "reward formula" developed and voted upon by the Board of Directors of Tri-County Crime Stoppers.
  • Rewards with supplemental amounts that offer more than $1,000 will be calculated using the same method of evaluation unless specifically stated otherwise in the offer of reward.
  • Crime Stoppers cannot be held responsible for how our offer of a reward is stated by other parties such as in newspapers or in electronic media.
  • If your tip has lead to the arrest and formal charging of a suspect, the investigating agency will refer the case back to Crime Stoppers which will review any other extenuating circumstances, Crime Stoppers will authorize a reward based upon the above mentioned reward calculation formula. 
  • It is ultimately the responsibility of the tipster to follow the case in the media and/or check back with Crime Stoppers to find out if a reward has been authorized. If you utilized the secure online tip form, we will attempt to notify you on there. If you called in the tip, you can call our tipline and provide your code number to the operator who will check on the tip for you. 
  • The offer to collect your reward will remain open for 1 year from the date we send the notification of the actual reward payment. After 1 year, the unclaimed reward is donated back into the Tri-County Crime Stoppers' reward fund. 



Tri-County Crime Stoppers accepts tips and information about crimes in order to solve or prevent such crimes.  Users who communicate their own criminal threats by making them through Crime Stoppers are not considered to be Crime Stoppers tipsters; are not eligible for rewards; are not immune from prosecution; and are excepted from the promise of anonymity.


Frequently Asked Questions

To view Frequently Asked Questions regarding the tip and reward procedure, click the button below.

Tips - Frequently Asked Questions


Why doesn't Crime Stoppers Accept Tips Through Email, Social Media or Forms on the Website?

Crime Stoppers only accepts tips through the methods listed towards the top of this page. This is to help keep you the tipster anonymous and safe. No personal information is requested and any information you provide to us by accident that may identify you is removed prior to your tip being forwarded to law enforcement.


How often are the tips submitted reviewed?

Tips submitted through the online tip form are viewed Monday through Friday during normal business hours. If you are submitting a tip on a crime in progress or this is another type of emergency, please call 911.


How do I check the status of the tip I submitted?

When you submit a tip online you will receive a special code number. This number can be used to log into your account at any time and view the tip you submitted. You may also ask about the status of your tip or submit additional information.

You may also call the tip line, 800-255-1301, to check the status of your reward. 


If the person I submitted a tip on is arrested, then how does Crime Stoppers contact me for my reward?

When an arrest is made from information provided in the tip and the person has been formally charged, Crime Stoppers will inform the tipster through the two-way dialog box in the online tip software. A tipster may also call the toll-free number and provide their tip code to check on the status. It is ultimately the responsibility of the tipster to check the status of the case and if any reward is pending. 


How much will the reward be?

Rewards amounts are based on a reward formula that takes into account a number of different variables. A standard reward can be up to $1,000. 


Can I work with Crime Stoppers and provide my own money for a reward? 

The Tri-County Crime Stoppers does not typically work with 3rd parties in providing a reward. This is to protect the tipsters anonymity. These cases may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis typically under one of the following conditions:

1. Special Rewards: Crime Stoppers may from time-to-time work with law enforcement agencies or private businesses who are offering money their own reward for information. In this case, Crime Stoppers may post information about the special reward and will inform the tipster that if they choose to pursue the 3rd party's reward money that they lose their anonymity.

2. Contributions to Ensure a Reward Amount: Crime Stoppers may on a case-by-case basis work with individuals to ensure a specific amount is paid for a reward. For example: An individual has an heirloom or other item of sentimental value stolen from their house and that individual wants to ensure that a $1,000 reward is paid (even if Crime Stoppers' reward calculation is only $300). That individual can make a non-refundable contribution to the Crime Stoppers' reward fund, which will then be applied to the calculated reward amount.